Acre Security Embarks on a Brand Unification Journey with a Cloud-Led Future

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We, at Acre Security, are embarking on an exciting journey of brand unification, with a cloud-led future in mind. As a security industry leader, we understand the importance of adapting and realigning our strategies to stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape. This strategic shift will reshape our company's future and enable us to streamline our brand and product offerings.

Consolidating Brands and Products Under One Umbrella

One of the major steps in our strategic realignment is the consolidation of our access control development across our diverse product lineup. We are thrilled to announce that ISC West will mark a pivotal moment in this process, as we launch our unified branding. Our portfolio brands will transition into a more coherent identity under acre's four core focus areas: access control, visitor management, intrusion detection, and intelligent infrastructure.

Ensuring Seamless Transition for Existing Customers

We want to reassure our existing customers that they will continue to enjoy uninterrupted service and support. We have carefully planned a clear upgrade path that aligns with our new streamlined product strategy, ensuring that ongoing projects and expansions remain unaffected by the internal branding changes.

A Unified Digital Experience Ahead

Our commitment to a unified brand presence extends beyond products and services. By the end of January 2024, we plan to consolidate all portfolio companies' websites and email addresses under the domain "". This effort will provide our customers, partners, and stakeholders with a seamless digital experience across all touchpoints.

Communication and Partnerships in Focus

Clear communication is of utmost importance to us. We are actively conveying our new branding message both externally and internally, ensuring that our channel partners are informed and the transition is as smooth as possible. This rebranding exercise reflects our commitment not only to innovation but also to maintaining strong relationships with our partners.

Strategic Acquisitions and Organic Growth

We are constantly seeking opportunities for expansion. Our leadership is actively pursuing strategic acquisitions, technology targets, and logical adjacencies in the access control space. This acquisitive stance is paired with our expectation of organic growth outpacing the market, with a particular focus on cloud solutions.

The Drive Towards a Cloud-Led Software Company

Acknowledging the industry's shift towards cloud-based solutions, we are positioning ourselves at the forefront of this transition. As a global, profitable organization, we have the unique breadth and scale to lead this change. Our CEO, Don Joos, envisions Acre Security as a cloud-led, software-centric company, and this strategic shift is central to our future. However, we recognize that competing for funds within enterprise customers remains one of our biggest challenges.

Looking to the Future with Optimism

With unwavering enthusiasm, our CEO and leadership team look forward to the ongoing development and success of Acre Security. We are committed to steering our brand through these transformative times, keeping our focus on cloud solutions and delivering exceptional security solutions that our partners and customers can rely on.

This journey towards a unified brand and a cloud-led future is a bold move, reflecting our commitment to adapt and succeed in this industry. We promise a more streamlined, forward-thinking company that remains true to our roots of delivering exceptional security solutions.

Stay tuned as we unveil this exciting transformation, ushering in a new era of innovation and leadership in the security space.

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