Back to Basics: What is Visitor Management?

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One of the most frequently asked questions we normally get in the Visitor Management industry is "What is Visitor Management?" It's a valid query, as there can be some confusion about whether visitor management is a process or a system, and what it truly entails. To clear up any misconceptions and provide clarity, let's delve into the basics of visitor management. 

What is Visitor Management? 

Visitor management refers to the process of tracking and managing the entry and exit of visitors within a facility. This can include guests, contractors, and even employees who may not be regulars at the premises. It is a crucial component of a comprehensive security strategy, ensuring that all individuals within the facility are accounted for and that unauthorized access is prevented. 

Visitor management systems are designed to streamline this process, providing a structured way to monitor visitors. These systems can range from simple sign-in sheets to sophisticated digital solutions that integrate with other security and information systems. At its core, visitor management aims to enhance security, improve operational efficiency, and provide a seamless experience for visitors. 

Organizations that implemented a Visitor Management System experienced a 50% reduction in check-in times and a 30% improvement in operational efficiency 

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When Do You Know If You Need a Visitor Management System? 

Determining the need for a visitor management system often depends on several factors: 

  • High Volume of Visitors: If your facility experiences a large number of visitors regularly, acre Visitor Management can help manage the flow efficiently, as we have the most comprehensive and customizable system in the market!  
  • Security Concerns: In environments where security is paramount, such as government buildings, schools, or corporate offices, Visitor Management is a must as it provides an added layer of protection. In fact, acre Visitor Management works with AWS (Amazon Web Services) providing an unparalleled management system.  
  • Regulatory Compliance: Some industries are required to maintain detailed records of visitors for regulatory reasons. For instance, acre Visitor management allow you to keep the records of all your facilities under the same system you have full control of your data on a global scale!  
  • Operational Efficiency: For organizations looking to streamline operations and reduce the burden on reception staff, acre can automate many tasks associated with visitor management. And reduce your checking time by 50%!  
  • Brand Image: A professional visitor management system can enhance your brand image by providing a smooth and modern visitor experience. 

What Are the First Steps When Searching for a Visitor Management Solution? 

Starting the search for the right visitor management system involves several key steps: 

  1. Assess Your Needs: Determine what you need from Visitor Management. Consider factors like the volume of visitors, security requirements, and any specific features that might be necessary.
  2. Research Solutions: Look for systems that meet your criteria. At acre, we are proud to work with many Fortune 500 companies!  
  3. Consider Scalability: Choose a system that can grow with your organization. It should be flexible enough to adapt to changing needs. 
  4. Evaluate Features: Compare the features of different systems. Some essential features to consider include:
    1. Visitor Registration: The ability to pre-register visitors and send them confirmations.
    2. Badge Printing: Automatically print visitor badges with their details and photo. 
    3. Integration: Compatibility with other security systems like access control and surveillance.
    4. Notifications: Alert staff when their visitors arrive. 
    5. Data Management: Secure storage and easy retrieval of visitor records. 


Visitor Management is a vital aspect of modern security and operational efficiency. By understanding its importance and the factors that necessitate its implementation, organizations can make informed decisions about the right system for their needs. 

Implementing a visitor management system has transformed many organizations. For example, at a prominent corporate office, implementing a Visitor Management System reduced check-in times by 50% and improved overall security. A school district that adopted a Visitor Management System saw a significant increase in compliance with safety regulations, ensuring a safer environment for students and staff. 

Ready to integrate visitor management in your facility? Contact us today and discover how acre Visitor Management can transform your facility. 

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