Say Goodbye to Awkward Lobby Moments

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How acre’s Visitor Management Turns Your Lobby into a VIP Experience! 

Where is the office located? Where can I park? How far is it from my house? Your guests shouldn't have to worry about these questions.  

Welcome to the era of visitor management! 

As we all know, first impressions matter, and the first impression you make on visitors can set the tone for all subsequent interactions. Gone are the days when visitors arrived at a facility, queued at the reception, and filled out manual check-in forms.

Companies now recognize the importance of providing a seamless, professional, and welcoming experience from the moment an invitation is sent until the visitor checks out.  An efficient, tech-savvy visitor management process doesn't just improve the visitor experience, it also streamlines operations, enhances security, and helps companies stay compliant with data privacy laws. 

Acre’s Visitor Management System is designed to do just that, transforming every touchpoint in the visitor journey into an opportunity to impress, gather valuable data, and ensure compliance. 

The Bigger Picture: Data Collection and Compliance 

One of the most significant benefits of implementing acre’s Visitor Management Solution is the ability to collect and analyze visitor data. Every interaction, from invitation to check-out, is logged in the system, providing a wealth of information that can be used to improve operations, enhance security, and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. 


  • Data-Driven Decisions: The ability to analyze visitor data helps companies make informed decisions about their operations, security protocols, and customer service strategies. 
  • Compliance: acre Visitor Management is designed to comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR, ensuring that visitor data is handled securely and ethically. 
  • Efficiency: Automating data collection and reporting reduces the administrative burden on staff, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.  

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Ok now, let us explore how acre Visitor Management Solution works and the benefits it brings to your organization!  

1. Invitation Sent: Setting the tone for an unforgettable visit  

The visitor's journey begins with an invitation. With acre’s Visitor Management System, the host can send a personalized email invite that includes all the details the visitor needs such as the date, time, location, and purpose of the visit and pre-registration link where the guest can pre-check-in.  


  • Professionalism: The personalized invitation sets a positive tone for the visit, showing that the company values the visitor's time and experience. 
  • Efficiency: Visitors can pre-register their details, upload necessary documentation, and even undergo pre-screening if required, ensuring a smooth and secure visit. 

2. Pre-Registration: Ensuring a Smooth Arrival

Pre-registration is a crucial step in the visitor journey. Once the visitor receives their invitation, they can click on a pre-registration link that takes them to an online form. Here, they can fill out their personal details, provide contact information, and upload any required documents such as Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). If security screening is necessary, this can also be handled during pre-registration. Once the registration is finished, guests receive a unique QR code, which the visitor can use for quick and easy check-in upon arrival. 


  • Time Savings: Pre-registration eliminates the need for visitors to fill out forms upon arrival, speeding up the check-in process. 
  • Data Accuracy: Allowing visitors to enter their details in advance minimizes the risk of errors and captures data more accurately. 
  • Security: Pre-screening during pre-registration helps ensure that only authorized individuals gain access to the facility. 

3. Arrival at the Facility: A Seamless Check-In Experience 

Upon arrival, the visitor’s journey continues with an automated check-in process. The visitor scans their unique QR code at a self-service kiosk or the reception desk. Acre’s Visitor Management System verifies the visitor’s information, captures a live photo, and prints a visitor badge that includes their details and access permissions. 

Meanwhile, the host receives instant notification when their visitor arrives, allowing them to greet the guest promptly. 


  • Speed and Convenience: Automated check-in reduces wait times and provides a smooth, hassle-free experience for the visitor. 
  • Security: The live photo capture ensures that the person checking in matches the registered visitor, adding an extra layer of security. 
  • Professionalism: The printed badge not only serves as a security measure but also reinforces the company’s brand identity through customization options. 
  • Communication: Instant notifications keep the host informed, improving the efficiency of the meeting process, and ensuring a warm welcome for the visitor. 

4. During the Visit: Enhancing Security and Communication 

While the visitor is on-site, acre’s Visitor Management System ensures that they have the correct access control authorization. The visitor badge grants access only to specific areas defined by their visit requirements. Integration with the company’s access control systems ensures that the visitor can only enter authorized zones. 


  • Security: Controlled access ensures that sensitive areas of the facility are protected, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. 
  • Accountability: By tracking visitor movements, the system enhances overall security and accountability within the facility. 
  • Data: Until this point, you have collected massive amounts of data that you can use to improve your processes. This includes identifying peak times, managing food requirements to reduce waste, and determining the optimal staffing levels to oversee visitor traffic. 

Hint: check out acre’s Access Control Solution for an integrated approach to your security. 

5. Check-Out: Closing the Loop 

The visitor’s journey concludes with the check-out process. At the end of their visit, the visitor returns to the kiosk or reception desk to check out. They return their badge, which is scanned to log their departure. The host is then notified that the visitor has left the premises. 


  • Security: Ensuring that visitors check out properly is critical for maintaining an accurate record of who is on-site at any given time. 
  • Data Collection: The check-out process allows the company to complete the visitor’s data record, providing valuable insights into visitor patterns and behavior. 
  • Feedback Opportunity: Following check-out, the system can automatically send a feedback request to the visitor, gathering valuable information to further improve the visitor experience. 

6. Feedback: Continuous Improvement 

Feedback is an essential component of any customer experience strategy. After the visit, acre’s Visitor Management can send a follow-up email thanking the visitor for their time and inviting them to provide feedback on their experience. This information can be used to make continuous improvements to the visitor management process. 


  • Customer Satisfaction: Requesting feedback shows visitors that their opinions are valued and that the company is committed to continuous improvement. 
  • Process Improvement: Insights gained from feedback can help identify areas for improvement in the visitor management process, leading to better experiences for future visitors. 
  • Reputation Management: Positive feedback contributes to the company’s reputation, helping to build strong relationships with clients and partners. 

Conclusion: A Win-Win Solution for Modern Businesses 

Providing an exceptional visitor experience is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Acre’s Visitor Management System transforms the visitor journey into a streamlined, secure, and data-driven process that benefits both the company and its guests. 

From the initial invitation to the final check-out, every touchpoint is designed to add value, enhance security, and improve efficiency. By implementing acre’s Visitor Management System, companies can ensure that their visitors feel welcome, their data is secure, and their operations run smoothly. It’s a win-win solution that sets the stage for lasting relationships and business success. 

Ready to revolutionize your visitor management process? Contact us today to learn more about how acre security can benefit your organization.  

For more information, visit our Visitor Management Solutions page or click here to request your demo!  

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