Key Takeaways from the 2023 Global Security Exchange (GSX) Event

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The GSX - Global Security Exchange event took place in Dallas, Texas this year, and acre security was lucky enough to be in attendance. It was an incredible experience for our team to meet leaders in the security industry, as well as some existing clients. From the event, we've managed to learn a lot about the industry and our acre security Visitor Management System.  

In this blog post, we had a conversation with Colm Kehoe, Business Lead for Visitor Management at acre security. He shared with us the key highlights of the event, encompassing the positive aspects, the challenges faced, and the unexpected surprises encountered.

The Good

One of the best parts of attending the GSX event was getting to meet leaders in the security industry. We were fortunate to connect with these leaders and introduce them to our cutting-edge acre security Visitor Management System, fostering new relationships along the way. It was fantastic being able to showcase our products to those who can benefit most from it.  

Another highlight of the event was the opportunity to meet with some of our existing clients. We had the chance to engage in face-to-face conversations and gather valuable feedback on our product. The positive comments we received about our system were truly invaluable, as they reinforced our confidence in our work. It was a great feeling to witness the impact our product had on our clients and to have those meaningful conversations that deepened our understanding of their needs and expectations.

The Unexpected

Despite the undeniable benefits of embracing cloud-based systems to improve cost efficiency, scalability, and flexibility, there is still some hesitation among businesses. It's incredible to see how some companies fear the move to cloud-based solutions. Security plays a significant role in businesses, and it's essential to keep records organized and secure.  

Visitor Management offers exactly that, and we believe that companies should make the move to cloud-based solutions. However, it's understandable that some may have concerns and hesitations. We heard a lot about this at the GSX event and found it to be a significant challenge in the industry. 

"It's astonishing that some companies are still hesitating to embrace the cloud, given the undeniable benefits it offers in terms of scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency."
- Colm Kehoe, Business Lead, acre visitor Management

The Surprises

I was delighted to hear positive feedback from our awesome clients. It was great to see what we were doing well and where we could improve. Being at GSX was a golden chance to gather feedback and gain a fresh perspective on the industry. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

One of the most notable feedback we received was about the flexibility of our acre security visitor management system. Our ability to seamlessly collaborate with various platforms and seamlessly integrate with diverse hardware sets us apart from the competition. It was truly remarkable to witness the profound influence that the adaptability of our system had on the industry.

Check out these amazing snapshots from the event below! Prepare to be dazzled!



The GSX event in Dallas, Texas was a huge success for the team at acre solutions. It's rare we get to be in the same room with so many leaders in the security industry, and it was a fantastic opportunity to show our product to those who can benefit the most.  

The feedback we received regarding our product was priceless, and the flexibility of our system was reiterated by our existing clients. We look forward to more events like GSX and further engaging with leaders in the industry to improve our product and stay up to date with the latest trends.

Watch this space! We have some exciting developments in the works, and we can't wait to share them with you. Stay tuned!

If you missed GSX - Global Security Exchange 2023 in Dallas, don't worry! There are plenty of other security events happening around the world that you can attend to stay updated on industry trends and network with leaders.

About Colm Kehoe

Colm Kehoe profile pictureColm is a sales professional with over a decade of experience in the field. He has spent the last two years at acre security (former TDS) Visitor Management as an Enterprise Account Team Lead, where he has demonstrated his exceptional skills in sales, leadership, and team collaboration.

Colm's commitment to achieving results, combined with his ability to work effectively in a team, makes him a valuable asset in the world of enterprise sales. Colm excels at building and nurturing strong relationships with enterprise-level clients. He understands the importance of customer satisfaction and has a proven track record of retaining and growing key accounts.

About acre security

Acre security is a global leader in the delivery of resilient digital and physical security solutions for every business. Keeping your people, premises, and data safe is as important to us as it is to you. We protect your valuable assets with a single portfolio of cloud, on-premises, and hybrid solutions.

Acre security offers a broad array of solutions including access control, visitor management, intrusion, workplace, transmission, and connectivity solutions – all hosted in a way that suits you. Since 2012, we’ve focused on advancing security initiatives to deliver tailored, robust, and future-proof solutions to tens of thousands around the globe. Working across banking, education, healthcare, pharmaceutical, retail, and more, we give our customers peace of mind that their data, offices, and employees will stay safe.

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