Long Live the Cloud: Why Security System Integrators need to Embrace Cloud-Based Access Control solutions

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In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, cloud-based solutions are rapidly becoming the norm. From data storage to software applications, businesses across various industries are embracing the benefits of migrating their services to the cloud. For security system integrators, this shift is no different. The time has come to transition from traditional on-premises access control systems to more advanced, cloud-based solutions.

In this article, we will explore the merits of migrating to cloud-based access control and discuss the potential risks that security system integrators may face if they choose not to make the change.

The Merits of Cloud-Based Access Control

1. Scalability and Flexibility

Cloud-based access control solutions offer unparalleled scalability and flexibility compared to their on-premises counterparts, all without the burden of hardware redundancy. As your organization grows and your security needs evolve, a cloud-based system can easily be expanded or adapted to accommodate new buildings, people, and access points. This adaptability eliminates the need for costly hardware upgrades or system overhauls, saving both time and resources.

2. Enhanced Security

Cloud-based access control solutions provide superior security features compared to traditional on-premises solutions, without relying on redundant hardware components. With real-time updates, advanced encryption methods, and continuous monitoring by dedicated security teams, these systems safeguard sensitive data from potential cyber threats. By migrating to a cloud-based system, your organization can benefit from state-of-the-art security features designed to mitigate risks effectively.

3. High-Availability, Multiple Layers of Redundancy Ensures Business Continuity

Cloud-based access control solutions offer multiple layers of redundancy, without expensive backup servers and software needed on-site. For example, if a regional instance of AWS was to go offline, all systems would automatically revert to a backup instance, without any operator or administrator intervention or downtime. This aspect of cloud-based architectures provides a high availability of uptime that can exceed the five 9s (99.999%) uptime standard.

4. Always Up to date, Without Any Down Time

With cloud-based solutions, system updates, including new features and functionality, happen frequently, behind the scenes, and without the system downtime needed to apply the update. This means that you will always be using the most up-to-date system, allowing you to enjoy the most advanced feature set and sleep well knowing your system is up to date against current cyber threats and other security vulnerabilities.

5. Manage and Monitor from Anywhere, From Any Device

The ability to remotely manage and monitor access control systems is a significant advantage of cloud-based solutions. As a head of security, you can access the system from any internet-connected device, allowing you to monitor activity, manage permissions, and respond to potential security incidents in real time. This remote access capability enables faster response times and more efficient management of your organization's security solutions.

6. Cost Savings

Cloud-based access control systems often have lower upfront costs compared to traditional on-premises solutions, as they eliminate the need for extensive infrastructure. There are no servers, operating systems, or databases to purchase, install, or manage. These systems can save your organization money while still providing robust security features. Additionally, cloud-based systems typically operate on a subscription basis, allowing you to pay for only the features you need and easily adjust your plan as your requirements change.

The Risks of Not Migrating to Cloud-Based Access Control

If you choose not to migrate to cloud-based access control systems you face several risks, including:

1. Falling Behind the Competition

As more businesses embrace cloud-based solutions, security system integrators who fail to adapt may find themselves falling behind their competitors. Clients are increasingly seeking modern, flexible, and cost-effective security options, and those who do not offer cloud-based access control risk losing business to forward-thinking competitors.

2. Limited Scalability

On-premises access control systems often lack the scalability and flexibility offered by cloud-based solutions. As your clients' needs grow, the limitations of an on-premises system may become increasingly apparent, leading to costly upgrades or even complete system replacements.

3. Increased Security Vulnerabilities

Traditional on-premises access control systems can be more susceptible to cyberattacks and other security vulnerabilities due to outdated software, insufficient encryption, or a lack of dedicated security resources. By not migrating to a cloud-based system, you may expose your clients to increased security risks.

4. Higher Costs and Resource Demands

Maintaining an on-premises access control system can be resource-intensive, with higher upfront costs for engineer travel, time management and availability, as well as ongoing expenses for client maintenance and updates. By not migrating to a cloud-based solution, you will burden yourself, and your clients with unnecessary costs and resource demands.


For security system integrators, the shift from on-premises to cloud-based access control systems is not only a smart business decision but also a necessary one to stay competitive and meet clients' evolving security needs. By embracing the merits of cloud-based access control and mitigating the risks associated with traditional on-premises systems, you can provide your clients with scalable, secure, and cost-effective security solutions that stand the test of time. 

Don't fall behind – make the transition to cloud-based access control today and secure your place in the future of security.

Tag icon Access control,  Thought leadership,  Feenics